Employment law
We represent our clients in all labour law issues, whether it is preparation of employment contracts, drafting of internal regulations or representation in disputes with employees and redundancy issues. We devote ourselves to the introduction of flexible modern forms of employment according to company needs (working time accounts, self-planning of shifts, sharing job positions, home office implementation etc.). We solve all problematic situations in the area of labour law. We participate in preparation of collective agreements. We also represent clients during inspections by state authorities (labour inspectorates) and represent them in subsequent disputes.
Selected references:
Preparation of management and employment contracts, and additional employment documentation for a range of Czech and international organisations, adapting the company documentation in accordance with the requirements of Czech law, creating internal regulations and procedures
Employment audits for a range of Czech and international organisations, optimisation of work relationships and introduction of flexible elements
Realisation of a motivation programme and a system of employee events for the Czech office of a global technology company
Arranging the transfer of a business including the transfer of employees for a leading global photographic material producer
Representing leading Austrian companies in disputes with top managers
Introducing working time accounts for a leading producer of medical devices
Representing a German consultancy firm in ending the employment of a top employee and in a dispute regarding the validity of the dismissal
Representing a leading Czech engineering company in negotiations with a trade union, preparation of collective agreements
Representing a major construction company before administrative bodies and in disputes concerning an occupational injury
Long-term employment consultancy for a range of Czech and international companies on a ‚daily‘ basis across sectors (pharmaceutical, transport, development, finance, IT, industry, consultancy)
Composing legal positions in relation to employee data privacy, non-discrimination, sending workers abroad, agency employment, reward systems, and other issues for a range of Czech and international companies